St George’s Orcheston church and churchyard

Church and churchyard Details that have been found in surveys or records of the church and churchyard. This includes inscriptions on monuments, where these are still readable, and the Burial Registers, see notes below.
1851 Census From the census at Where more details are online of individuals and families that have been researched by local historians this is indicated.
1881 Census From the census at Other censuses and church records may be added when they become available.
Headstones, stone crosses + flat stones Headstones are the most frequent form in both of Orcheston’s two churchyards, sometimes combined with a kerbed tomb.
Raised ledger tombs Flat slabs raised above the surrounding turf, a style that was revived in the 19th Century. Some have a crucifix across the top. The burial is under the stone, not within it.
Chest tombs Rectangular boxes, often of white limestone, sometimes as early as the 17th century but Orcheston’s are probably all from the 19th. Sometimes two or more generations from a single family are interred under them.
Kerbed tombs Stone surrounds of single or double plots. One in St George’s churchyard has a chain surround above the stone kerb.
Stone vases These usually accompany an ashes burial. Sometimes only the square stone base is visible, the vase for flowers that would sit on top of it is not present.
a + b Some headstones have a smaller version (of the same shape) at their foot and within the same plot. It is thought these may be graves of children of the parent or parents buried in the plot. They have been given ‘a’ and ‘b’ references in the list below.
bbs/bbd ‘base born son/daughter’ (a term used in Victorian burial registers, meaning illegitimate).


1. The information from the Burial Records has been transcribed from records available to the public at The Wiltshire Museum, 41 Long Street, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1NS Tel: 01380 727369; and
The Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre,
Cocklebury Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 3QN Tel: 01249 705500; The Parish Register that was in use when the church closed in 1982 is held at the Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre, and the few burials and interments that have taken place since that date are also recorded below.

2. Most records of this sort are held in manuscript and are sometimes difficult to read. Every effort has been made to be faithful to the original but detail such as ‘age’ and ‘abode at death’ are not always available and, occasionally, Ministers make mistakes. The record below is re-produced in alphabetical order of surnames, but there may be variations in spelling, so, if you cannot find what you are looking for at first glance, you should persevere by looking for something similar. For example: a name (or names) that makes only seven appearances in the burial register of St George’s has four variations: Penicot, Penicotte, Pennicott and Pennicotte. Is that one family or four? Are Philips, Philipps and Phillips one and the same? Christian names are just as variable, so one Catharine in the register appears as Catherine on the family’s stone cross, where her mother Catharine is given as Katie on the same stone cross. The censuses are just as variable, the people taking down the details usually wrote down what they heard rather than copying from something written down, providing us with yet more variety.

3. You should also note that, in the Burial Register, the Minister records the date of burial NOT the date of death which, of course, will always be different.

4. Clearly not all graves are marked but a plan of those that are identifiable is included, although in many cases moss, mildew and lichen have made it impossible to decipher names and inscriptions on headstones. Some graves also have footstones, and where this seems to be the case these have been shown as ‘linked’.

5. In some cases the date of burial appears to have two different years. This is the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Adoption of the Gregorian calendar took place over time, not on a single date.

6. This list also attempts to record all memorials, including stained glass windows, stone plaques, floor tiles, and, certainly not least, the War Memorial. Most of these are inside the church, which is open to visitors.

7. The Burial Register information was accessed and transcribed in January 2018 by and should you discover any errors or have additional information to offer please inform him, the museum or history centre mentioned above, the churchwardens or the Rector of Salisbury Plain Benefice, of which Orcheston St George’s and Orcheston St Mary’s are now a part, on xxx.

8. In 2006 Duncan and Mandy Ball photographed many of the monuments in the church and the churchyard to a high standard. These can be seen at, which also features many other Wiltshire churches. We are very grateful to them for giving permission to use their photographs; many of them show detail that is, even in the short time since they were taken, now lost or at the very least unreadable.


Burial register

or Census

Address / Abode at death (in italics) Surname +



Position in household / Occupation (in italics) Both from census Gender, marital status Place of birth DOB Age. Date of death. Cause of death Date of


Family notes Location

+ type of


Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ P17. Pile of slabs. Possibly a headstone, and linked to R17?
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ P15. Chest tomb
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ P10. Stone cross, small
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ J10. Chest tomb covered with ivy
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ H26b. Headstone, possibly a footstone to H26a?
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ H26a. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ H24. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ H23b. Headstone, possibly a footstone to H3a?
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ H23a. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ H10. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ G9. Headstone. Could F9 be its footstone?
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ G8. Headstone. Could F8 be its footstone?
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ F27. Raised ledger tomb
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ F9. Headstone. Could G9 be its footstone?
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ F8. Headstone. Could G8 be its footstone?
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ E3. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ E2. Headstone, at an angle
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ D5b. Headstone, possibly a footstone to D5a
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ D5a. Headstone. Could D5b be its footstone?
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ D4. Raised ledger tomb
Churchyard or Burial register ‘Unknown’ A5. Stone vase
1881 census The Rectory Abraham, Jane Servant / Nursemaid domestic Female, unmarried Amesbury 1863 18 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Adlam 1765
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Adlam, Jane Female 1827 86 14 Mar 1913
Churchyard or Burial register Adlam, John Male 31 Dec 1756 Son of Thinn and Ann
Churchyard or Burial register Adlim, Anne Female 14 Jul 1790 Wife of Thinn
1851 census Alexander, John Head / Shepherd Male, married Not known 1815 36 in 1851
1851 census Alexander, Mary Wife / Agricultural labourer Female, married Orcheston St Mary 1819 32 in 1851
1851 census Alexander, Stephen Son / Agricultural labourer Male, unmarried Churton [Chirton?] 1841 10 in 1851
1851 census Allen, Charlotte Daughter Female, unmarried Longford, Darbyshire 1825 26 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Allen, Elizabeth Female 1817 44 20 Jun 1861
1851 census Allen, Elizabeth Wife / Agricultural labourer Female, married Maddington 1819 32 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Allen, James Male 23 Apr 1809
Churchyard or Burial register Greenlands Allen, James Male 1817 59 26 Dec 1876
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Allen, James Male 1789 66 24 Feb 1855 Of West Thurrock, [Essex]
1851 census Allen, James Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Orcheston St Mary 1819 32 in 1851
1851 census Allen, James Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Isle Wight 1818 33 in 1851
1851 census Allen, James Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Westshrick; [no county recorded] 1788 63 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Allen, John Male 1820 54 20 May 1874
1851 census Allen, John Son Male, unmarried Oxttoser. [Possibly Uttoxeter, Staffordshire] 1819 32 in 1851
1851 census Allen, Louisa Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St Mary 1850 1 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Allen, Mary Female 27 Dec 1806 Daughter of James and Rachael
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Allen, Sarah Female 1789 64 25 Nov 1853 Of Newport, IoW
Churchyard or Burial register Shrewton Allen, Sarah Female 1816 75 12 Jan 1891
1881 census Allen, Sarah Servant / Cook domestic Female, widowed Orcheston St George 1816 65 in 1881
1851 census Allen, Sarah Wife Female, married Orcheston St Mary 1824 27 in 1851
1851 census Allen, Sarah Wife Female, married Newport, Monmouth 1790 61 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Allen, William Male 1848 0-1? Infant 12 May 1848
1851 census Alrllop, Mary Servant Female, unmarried Horningsham 1829 22 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Andrews, Elizabeth Ann Female 1862 42 13 Dec 1904
1851 census 32 Ashely, Amelia Daughter age 10 months Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1851 0 in 1851 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
1851 census 32 Ashely, Ann Daughter Female, unmarried Tilshead 1842 9 in 1851 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
1851 census 32 Ashely, Charles Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Tilshead 1818 33 in 1851 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
1851 census 32 Ashely, Mary Ann Wife / Agricultural labourer Female, married Tilshead 1818 33 in 1851 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
1851 census 32 Ashely, Richard Son Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1847 4 in 1851 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
1851 census 32 Ashely, Sarah Jane Daughter / Agricultural labourer Female, unmarried Tilshead 1839 12 in 1851 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
1881 census Greenland Down Farm Ashley, Albert J Son / Scholar Male, unmarried Tilshead 1877 4 in 1881 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Ashley, Albert James Male 1857 61 21 Jul 1918 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hollow Ashley, Anne Female 1858 66 27 Dec 1924 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
Churchyard or Burial register Ashley, Annie Female 12 Jun 1976 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses A15. White stone vase
1881 census Greenland Down Farm Ashley, Fanny Wife Female, married Shrewton 1849 32 in 1881 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hollow Ashley, Frances Female 1849 83 8 Jan 1932 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
Churchyard or Burial register Greenlands Ashley, Leah 1891 31 30 May 1922 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
1881 census Greenland Down Farm Ashley, Mary A Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1880 1 in 1881 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
1881 census Greenland Down Farm Ashley, Mary E Daughter / Scholar Female, unmarried Little Cheverill 1874 7 in 1881 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
Churchyard or Burial register Greenlands Ashley, Richard Male 1847 71 10 Oct 1918 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
1881 census Greenland Down Farm Ashley, Richard Head / Carter Male, married Orcheston St Mary 1848 33 in 1881 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
Churchyard or Burial register The Hollow, Shrewton Ashley, Samuel Male 1890 77. 28 Mar 1967 1 Apr 1967 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses A15. White stone vase
1881 census Greenland Down Farm Ashley, Sidney Son Male, unmarried Tilshead 1878 3 in 1881 Neither Ashley nor Ashely found in 1861 or 1871 Censuses
1851 census Baker, Mary Servant / House servant Female, unmarried West Lavington 1826 25 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Baker, Tom Charles + Thomas + Elizabeth Anne Family 1869 66. 9 Apr 1935 13 Apr 1935 ‘In loving memory of Thomas Baker… at rest and his son Tom Charles, Thy will be done … and of his wife Elizabeth Anne …’ B9. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Baker, Tom Charles + Thomas + Elizabeth Anne 1916 73. 16 Oct 1933 20 Oct 1933 ‘In loving memory of Thomas Baker… at rest and his son Tom Charles, Thy will be done … and of his wife Elizabeth Anne …’ B9. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Baker, Tom Charles + Thomas + Elizabeth Anne 1892 35. 24 Jan 1927 29 Jan 1927 ‘In loving memory of Thomas Baker… at rest and his son Tom Charles, Thy will be done … and of his wife Elizabeth Anne …’ B9. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register Banks, Sarah Female 9 Mar 1796
Churchyard or Burial register Banks, Susannah Female 3 Dec 1777 Wife of William
Churchyard or Burial register Banks, William Male 19 Oct 1800
Churchyard or Burial register Banner, John Servant Male 1769 36. Dropped down dead in good health 10 Jan 1841 Servant at Elston House
Churchyard or Burial register Barlowe, Margery Female 16 Nov 1626 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Maddington Barnes, Mary Female 1798 50 20 Aug 1848
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Barter, Ann Long Female 1820 88. 31 Mar 1908 3 Apr 1908 L5. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Barter, Harry [Henry on gravestone] Male 1855 22. 4 Sep 1877 10 Sep 1877 L3a. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Barter, possibly, or ‘Unknown’ L3b. Headstone, small version of L2a and at its foot. Not shown in burial register
1881 census Barter, Thomas Lodger / Agricultural labourer Male, unmarried West Lavington 1861 20 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Whatcombe Brow, Orcheston St George Bassett, Stanley Male 1948 37. 1985 5 Jun 1985 ‘In loving memory … at rest D7. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register Bayse, Dorothy Female 3 Dec 1659
Churchyard or Burial register Bayse, Thomas Male 15 Oct 1625
Churchyard or Burial register Beach, Abigail Female 28 Jun 1688 Wife of Dr William, Rector of Orcheston St George
Churchyard or Burial register Beach, Abigail Female 12 May 1738
Churchyard or Burial register Beach, Dr William Male 21 Dec 1711 Doctorr, late Rector of St George’s
Churchyard or Burial register Beach, Lydia Female 22 Feb 1716/7 Younger daughter of Rev Beach
Churchyard or Burial register Beach, Revd William Male 5 Sep 1718 Sometime Rector
1881 census Beauchamp, Ada Daughter Female, unmarried Elston Hill 1877 4 in 1881
1881 census Greenland Down Farm Beauchamp, Edgar Son / Scholar Male, unmarried Wood Green, Hampshire 1875 6 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Beauchamp, Edward Male 1834 87 5 Feb 1921
1881 census Beauchamp, Edward Head / Farm carpenter Male, married Wood Green, Hampshire 1835 46 in 1881
1881 census Beauchamp, Edward J Son / Scholar Male, unmarried Wood Green, Hampshire 1870 11 in 1881
1881 census Beauchamp, Ernest W Son / Scholar Male, unmarried Wood Green, Hampshire 1873 8 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Shrewton Beauchamp, Linda Female 1879 60 2 Aug 1939
1881 census Beauchamp, Linda Daughter Female, unmarried Elston Hill 1879 2 in 1881
1881 census Beauchamp, Lotty Daughter Female, unmarried Elston Hill 1880 1 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Beauchamp, Maria Female 1840 70 16 Apr 1910
1881 census Greenland Down Farm Beauchamp, Maria Wife Female, married Breamore, Hampshire 1840 41 in 1881
1881 census Beauchamp, Sarah J Daughter / Scholar Female, unmarried Hale, Hampshire 1867 14 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Lake Beauchamp, Sarah Jane Female 1866 34. 15 Mar 1900 19 Mar 1900 M6. Stone cross, cross missing. Possibly that in the hedge at MM1?
Churchyard or Burial register Bennet, Marian Female 22 Jan 1622/3 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Biggs, John Male 3 May 1691 Servant to Dr Beach
Churchyard or Burial register Blackmoor, John Male 1748 68 3 Apr 1816
Churchyard or Burial register Blackmore, Jenny Female 1755 80 5 Apr 1835
Churchyard or Burial register Blackmore, Maria Female 14 Mar 1785 Wife of John
Churchyard or Burial register Blackmore, Mary Female 23 Sep 1784 Daughter of John and Maria
Churchyard or Burial register Blewden, Dorothy Female 25 Sep 1705 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Blewden, John Male 4 May 1712 Son of John
1881 census The Rectory Brazier, Fanny L Servant / Parlourmaid domestic Female, unmarried Burcombe 1857 24 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Bristow, Martha Female 4 Feb 1709/10 Wife of John of Charlton
Churchyard or Burial register Brittain, Ann Female 30 Apr 1809
Churchyard or Burial register Heytesbury Britten, Elizabeth Female 1814 54 1 May 1866
Churchyard or Burial register Manor Farm, Orcheston St George Britten, Henry Male 1810 53 23 Dec 1863
Churchyard or Burial register Britton, Thomas Male 1802 30 31 May 1832
Churchyard or Burial register Brock, Ann Female 21 Mar 1742/3 Daughter of John
Churchyard or Burial register Brock, Hester Female 6 Mar 1742/3 Daughter of John
Churchyard or Burial register Brock, John Male 28 Mar 1753 Son of John and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Brock, John Male 17 Apr 1744 Son of John and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Brock, John Male 4 Mar 1779
Churchyard or Burial register Brock, Mary Female 10 Mar 1785
Churchyard or Burial register Brock, Thomas House Male 16 Jun 1765 bbs Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Brock, William Male 10 Nov 1746 Son of John and Mary
1881 census Burbage, Alice Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1879 2 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Burbage, Eliza Female 1844 42 25 Aug 1886
1881 census Burbage, Eliza Wife Female, married Elston 1846 35 in 1881
1881 census Burbage, Ellen Daughter / Scholar Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1869 12 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Burbage, Fanny Female 1888 2 weeks 24 Jan 1888
1881 census Burbage, Fanny L Daughter / Scholar Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1876 5 in 1881
1881 census Burbage, Sarah A Daughter / Scholar Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1871 10 in 1881
1881 census Burbage, William Head / Carter Male, married Market Lavington 1850 31 in 1881
1881 census Burbage, William J Son / Scholar Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1873 8 in 1881
1881 census Burges, Ann Daughter / General servant, out of employment Female, unmarried Shrewton 1857 24 in 1881
1881 census Burges, George Head / Shepherd Male, married Orcheston St Mary 1834 47 in 1881
1851 census Burges, George Lodger / Shepherd Male, unmarried Orcheston St Mary 1832 19 in 1851
1881 census Burges, George H Son / Under carter Male, unmarried Shrewton 1862 19 in 1881
1881 census Burges, Mary A Wife Female, married Orcheston St George 1837 44 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Greenlands Farm Burgess, Annie Female 187 17 13 May 1904
1881 census The Rectory Canning, Elizabeth A Sister Female, unmarried Chiseldon 1852 29 in 1881
1881 census Elston Hill Canning, Florence Sister Female, unmarried Chiseldon 1859 22 in 1881
1881 census Elston Hill Canning, Martha B Mother Female, widowed Bradley, Hampshire 1820 61 in 1881
1881 census Elston Hill Canning, William B Head / Farmer of 1300 acres employing 32 men + 17 boys Male, unmarried Chiseldon 1848 33 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hill Canning, William Browne Male 1819 53. 30 Mar 1872 30 Mar 1872 E22. Raised ledger tomb
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Cannings, Caroline and Elizabeth Female 1842 0-1? Infant 24 Jan 1842 Twins
Churchyard or Burial register Cannings, Jane Female 1759 61 12 Mar 1820 Wife of John
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Cannings, John Male 1757 87 20 Nov 1844
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Cannings, Mary Female 1772 70 1 Dec 1842 Schoolmistress and wife of William, the Clerk
Churchyard or Burial register Cannings, Sophia Female 3 Feb 1811 Daughter of John and Jane
Churchyard or Burial register Cannings, William Male 1791 32 16 Nov 1823 Son of John
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Cannings, William Male 1838 0-1? Infant 5 Feb 1838
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Cannings, William Male 1756 85 19 May 1841 Clerk of the Parish 1785-1838; received a pension of £5 yearly from the Church Union Society from Jun 1838
Churchyard or Burial register Carent, Grace Female 18 Aug 1756
Churchyard or Burial register Carent, James Male 60 14 Jul 1734 Son in law of Dr Beach P15. Chest tomb.
Churchyard or Burial register Carent, William Male 2 Nov 1753 Of Salisbury
Churchyard or Burial register Carter 6 Apr 1701 Son of Jo and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Dorothy Female 8 Nov 1685
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Elianor Female 27 Feb 1673/4 Wife of Stephen
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hollow Carter, Eliza Female 36 3 Nov 1871 Elston Hollow
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Giles Male 6 Aug 1722
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Grace Female 5 Dec 1688 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Jeane Female 6 Apr 1700
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Mary Female 31 May 1717 Wife of Walter
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Mary Female 19 Feb 1704/5 Wife of Jo
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Mary Female 27 May 1704 Daughter of Jo and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Mary Female 28 Sep 1675
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Stephen Male 16 May 1684
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Susan Female 19 Jan 1667/8 Widow, daughter of Dorothy
Churchyard or Burial register Carter, Walter Male 24 Sep 1721
Churchyard or Burial register Shrewton Carteret, Mary Andres Female 1783 76 23 Apr 1859 Native of Guernsey
Churchyard or Burial register Whatcombe Brow Ceaser, Howard George ‘Taffy’ [xx photo shows Harold – Howard is written – ask Ewart] Male 1919 50 21 Oct 1969 Verger A16. Black stone vase. Ashes
Churchyard or Burial register Whatcombe Brow Ceaser, Vera Gertrude Female 1919 62 28 Nov 1981 A16. Black stone vase. Ashes
1881 census Chamberlain, Edward Son / General servant, domestic Male, unmarried Alton Priors 1864 17 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Chamberlain, Elizabeth Ann Female 1864 1.4 – 15 months 11 Dec 1865
1881 census Chamberlain, Ellen Daughter / Worker on farm Female, unmarried Elston Hill 1866 15 in 1881
1881 census Chamberlain, Ellen Wife Female, married Collingbourn Ducis 1830 51 in 1881
1881 census Chamberlain, John Father / Formerly agricultural labourer Male, widowed Charlton 1801 80 in 1881
1881 census Chamberlain, Kate Daughter / General servant, domestic Female, unmarried Alton Priors 1861 20 in 1881
1881 census Chamberlain, Tom Son / Groom, out of employment Male, unmarried Alton Priors 1862 19 in 1881
1881 census Chamberlain, Wm Head / Coachman domestic Male, married Everley 1832 49 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Chandler, Anne Female 1785 60 21 Mar 1845
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Chandler, Caroline Female 1860 0-1? Infant 23 Jun 1860
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Chandler, Elijah Male 1823 69 9 Mar 1892
1851 census Chandler, Elijah Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Orcheston St George 1823 28 in 1851
1881 census Chandler, Elijah Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Orcheston St George 1823 58 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Chandler, Eliza Female 1822 38 5 Jun 1860
1851 census Chandler, Eliza Wife Female, married Maddington 1823 28 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hollow Chandler, Elizabeth Female 1820 82 15 Aug 1902
1881 census Chandler, Elizabeth Wife Female, married Shrewton 1822 59 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Chandler, Harriet Female 1860 0-1? Infant 28 Jul 1860
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Chandler, James Male 1853 31 21 Jul 1884
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Chandler, Jane Female 1856 7 20 Nov 1863
Churchyard or Burial register Chandler, John Male 26 Aug 1808 Son of Thomas and Ann
1851 census Chandler, Susanna Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1849 2 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Chandler, Thomas Male 6 Feb 1807 Son of Thomas and Ann
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Chandler, Thomas Male 1777 81 17 April 1858
1851 census Chandler, Thomas Father / Pauper. Agricultural labourer Male, widowed Manford [Manningford?] 1776 75 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Chandler, William Male 26 Feb 1804 Son of Thomas and Ann
Churchyard or Burial register Shrewton Chandler, William Male 1847 4 9 Dec 1851
1851 census Elston House Chandler, William Groom / Groom Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1828 23 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register 19 Whatcombe Brow, Orcheston Chant, Agnes Rosaline [Rosina on grave] Female 1789 76. 9 Jan 1965 12 Jan 1965
Churchyard or Burial register 19 Whatcombe Brow, Orcheston Chant, Louis James Male 1784 82. 21 Apr 1966 25 Apr 1966
Churchyard or Burial register Clarke, Edborow Male 9 Mar 1658/9 Clavik?
Churchyard or Burial register Clarke, Henry Male 1 Jan 1639/40
Churchyard or Burial register Cole, Henry Male 15 Sep 1625
Churchyard or Burial register Cole, Robert Male 3 May 1637 Sen
Churchyard or Burial register Coles, George Male 4 Jun 1717
Churchyard or Burial register Coles, Joane Female 26 Dec 1669 Daughter of Robert and Alice
Churchyard or Burial register Coles, Joane Female 14 Nov 1681
Churchyard or Burial register Coles, Robert Male 11 Mar 1689/90 Sen
Churchyard or Burial register Coles, Robt Male 27 Jan 1704/5
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Coles, Thomas Male 14 Nov 1663
Churchyard or Burial register Collins, Joanna Female 14 Feb 1808 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Collins, Sarah Female 21 Oct 1760 Daughter of William and Joanna
Churchyard or Burial register Collins, William Male 24 Dec 1774
Churchyard or Burial register Compton, Elizabeth Female Died Mar 1785 *** on gravestone??? 17 Feb 1788 Daughter of John and Elizabeth of Tilshead

‘Here lieth the body of Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Compton who died xxx xxx’

F10. Flat stone
Churchyard or Burial register Compton, Farmer Male 20 Nov 1729
Churchyard or Burial register Compton, Jane Female 6 Oct 1714 Daughter of Joseph and Anne
Churchyard or Burial register Compton, Jane Female 2 Dec 1720 Daughter of Joseph and Anne
Churchyard or Burial register Compton, Joan Female 7 Nov 1747
Churchyard or Burial register Compton, Joseph Male 1718 67 27 Mar 1785 Wife of Joseph, labourer of Tilshead

‘Here lieth the body of Joseph Compton who died Mar 1785 aged 67 years’

F10. Flat stone
Churchyard or Burial register Compton, Thomas Male 28 Nov 1718 Son of Joseph and Anne
Churchyard or Burial register Cripps, Ambrose Male 22 Apr 1741
Churchyard or Burial register Cripps, Mary Female 7 May 1780
Churchyard or Burial register Cripps, Thomas Male 22 Aug 1755
Churchyard or Burial register Cripps, Thomas Male 11 Jul 1791
Churchyard or Burial register Cripps, William Male 28 Feb 1735/6
Churchyard or Burial register Cripps, William Male 27 Mar 1761
Churchyard or Burial register Cruce, Timothy Male 17 May 1801
Churchyard or Burial register Cruce, William Male 11 Jul 1780
Churchyard or Burial register Cruse, Ann Female 21 Aug 1797 Daughter of Timothy and Mary, baptised Skews
Churchyard or Burial register Cruse, Catharine Female 16 Nov 1798 Daughter of Timothy and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Cruse, Elizabeth Female Died. Burnt to death by mother in a fit of insanity 15 Jan 1797 [Baptised Scruse?]
Churchyard or Burial register Cruse, Hannah Female Died. Burnt to death by mother in a fit of insanity 15 Jan 1797 [Baptised Scruse?]
Churchyard or Burial register Cruse, Oliver Female 18 Feb 1805
Churchyard or Burial register Cruse, Sarah Female Died. Wife of Oliver died as a result of wounds she gave herself on 13 Jan 1797 24 Jan 1797
Churchyard or Burial register Cruse, Thomas Male Died. Burnt to death by mother in a fit of insanity 15 Jan 1797 Baptised Scruse
1851 census Elston House Curtis, Emily House servant Female, unmarried Bishopstone 1825 26 in 1851
1851 census Daw, James Lodger / Agricultural labourer Male, unmarried Lavington 1829 22 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Aldershot Dawkins, Abraham Charles Male 1859 37. 27 May 1896 27 May 1896 ‘… peace … peace …’ G26. Kerbed tomb
Churchyard or Burial register Nett Road, Shrewton Dawkins, Susanna Female 1862 76. 12 Aug 1938 15 Aug 1938 ‘… peace … peace …’ G26. Kerbed tomb
1851 census Day, Jacob Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Barwick St James [Berwick St James] 1827 24 in 1851
1851 census Day, Mary Wife Female, married Orcheston St George 1825 26 in 1851
1851 census Greenland Down Farm Day, Silas Son Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1850 1 in 1851
1881 census Dewey, Agnes Wife Female, married Frome, Somerset 1850 31 in 1881
1881 census Dewey, Alice E Daughter age 6 months Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1881 0 in 1881
1881 census Greenland Down Farm Dewey, Ann Wife / Laundress Female, married Orcheston St Mary 1848 33 in 1881
1881 census Dewey, Charles J Son Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1879 2 in 1881
1881 census Dewey, Edward Head / Occupier of 6 acres of land Male, married Orcheston St Mary 1849 32 in 1881
1881 census Dewey, Florence Daughter / Scholar Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1875 6 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Dewey, Harold Charles Male 1879 0-1? Infant 8 Nov 1879
1881 census Dewey, Lawrence W Son / Scholar Male, unmarried Amport, Hampshire 1873 8 in 1881
1881 census Dewey, William C Head / Estate carpenter Male, married Orcheston St Mary 1841 40 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Durban, Joane Female 29 Mar 1639
Churchyard or Burial register Durbar, John Female 17 Oct 1669
Churchyard or Burial register Durbar, Mary Female 4 Jun 1676 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Formerly of Whatcombe Brow Dyer, Annie Female 1891 78 19 Mar 1969
Churchyard or Burial register 16 Whatcombe Brow, Orcheston Dyer, Rupert Charles Male 1890 72 22 Sep 1962
Churchyard or Burial register Dyke, Mary Female 4 Mar 1717/8 Daughter of Richard, of Orcheston St Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Gosport, Hampshire Edwards, Harriet Ann Female 1868 15 10 Apr 1883
Churchyard or Burial register Eldeton, John Male 1610 84. 27 Apr 1694 K11. Wall plaque. ‘Here lyeth the body of Mr John Eldeton who dyeth the 27 day of April 1694 aged 84. ‘The Lord has appeared unto me of old saying, “Yes, I have loved thee with an everlasting love; Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn thee.” Jeremiah 31. 3’
Churchyard or Burial register Ene, Joane Female 29 Dec 1633 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Erwood, Ann Female 23 Mar 1622/3 Daughter of Richard and Jeane
Churchyard or Burial register Erwood, Jane Female 7 Sep 1748 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Erwood, John Male 4 Nov 1711
Churchyard or Burial register Erwood, John Male 15 Jun 1683
Churchyard or Burial register Erwood, Leah Female 2 Apr 1680
Churchyard or Burial register Erwood, Richard Male 5 Aug 1680
Churchyard or Burial register Erwood, Richard Male 10 Mar 1737/8
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Etwell, Eliza Female 1873 0-1? Infant 6 Mar 1873
1881 census Everett, Albert Son / Under carter Male, unmarried Nunton 1861 20 in 1881
1881 census Everett, Easter Wife Female, married Chilhampton; [Etchilhampton?] 1837 44 in 1881
1881 census Everett, Elinor Daughter / Scholar Female, unmarried Haxon [Haxton?] 1873 8 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Lake Everett, Esther Female 1836 70 9 Apr 1906
1881 census Everett, Jesse Son / Shepherd Male, unmarried Langford 1866 15 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Everett, Stephen Male 1864 47 16 May 1911
1881 census Everett, Stephen Son / Under carter Male, unmarried Dendlin, Dorset 1864 17 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Lake Everett, Thomas Male 1837 72 4 May 1906
1881 census Everett, Thomas Head / Head shepherd Male, married Wishford 1836 45 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hollow Everett, Thomas Frank Male 1910 1.5 – 18 months 9 Aug 1911
Churchyard or Burial register Eves, Edith Female 11 Oct 1710 Reg as Ives
Churchyard or Burial register Eves, John Male Alias Matthew
Churchyard or Burial register Eves, Matthew Male 5 Nov 1675
Churchyard or Burial register Eves, Robert Male 1674 2 days. 26 Apr 1674 27 Apr 1674 Son of Matthew and Edith
Churchyard or Burial register Ewes, Matthew – Baptised Eves Male 5 Nov 1675 Baptised Eves
1881 census Brachers Farm Farley, James Grandson Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1869 12 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Farr, Ann Female 1763 73 12 May 1836 Servant to Rev Lowther, from Shropshire
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Feltham, Ann Female 1851 0-1? Infant 23 Sep 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Feltham, Ann Female 1787 64 5 Feb 1851
1851 census Feltham, Bettey Daughter / Agricultural labourer Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1828 23 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Feltham, Edmund Male 1844 0-1? Infant 4 Jun 1844
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Feltham, Edmund Male 1845 0-1? Infant 11 May 1845
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Feltham, Edward Male 1756 67 20 Feb 1823
Churchyard or Burial register Feltham, Elizabeth Female 22 Sep 1785 Daughter of Edward and Elizabeth
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Feltham, Elizabeth Female 1778 88 25 Feb 1876
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hollow Feltham, Elizabeth Female 1753 76 27 Sep 1829 Widow
1851 census Feltham, Elizabeth Lodger / Pauper. Agricultural labourer Female, widowed Orcheston St Mary 1798 53 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Feltham, Grace Female 25 Jan 1827 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Winterbourne Dauntsey Feltham, Harry Male 1795 65 12 Jun 1860
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Feltham, Henry Male 1850 0.5 – 5 months 13 Oct 1850
1851 census Feltham, Henry Head / Agricultural labourer Male, widowed Maddington 1794 57 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Feltham, James Male 23 Jan 1780 bbs Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Feltham, James Male 1783 66 7 Jan 1849
1881 census Feltham, Jane Wife Female, married Durrington 1821 60 in 1881
1851 census Feltham, John Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Orcheston St George 1819 32 in 1851
1881 census Feltham, John Head / Gardener domestic Male, married Orcheston St George 1819 62 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Feltham, Mary Female 18 Dec 1786 Daughter of Edward and Elizabeth
1851 census Feltham, Mary Head / Nurse Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1794 57 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Feltham, Stephen Male 24 Nov 1805 Son of Grace
Churchyard or Burial register Feltham, Thomas Male 29 Dec 1794
Churchyard or Burial register Feltham, Thomas Male 1832 0-1? Infant 23 Aug 1832
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St Mary Ferris, Alfred Edward Male 1873 0-1? Infant 22 Jul 1873
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Ferris, Ann Female 1823 42 7 Dec 1865
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Ferris, Ellen Female 1867 1 year 28 Jun 1868
Churchyard or Burial register Body brought from a distance Ferris, Frank Male 1863 13 22 Mar 1876
Churchyard or Burial register Fishelake, Agnis Female 20 Aug 1629 Wife of John
Churchyard or Burial register Fishelake, Dennis Male 5 Sep 1629 Son of John
Churchyard or Burial register Fishelick, Ann Female 19 Jun 1659
Churchyard or Burial register Fishelick, John Male 4 May 1659
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Down Barn Fishlock, Ethel Mary Female 1900 0.2 – 2 months 15 Jun 1900
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Down Barn Fishlock, William Male 1850 50 4 Jul 1900
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Down Barn Fishlock, William John Male 1900 0.4 – 4 months 11 Aug 1900
Churchyard or Burial register Fricker, Ambrose Male 30 Apr 1740
Churchyard or Burial register Fricker, Jane Female 6 Jul 1755 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Fricker, Mary Female 26 Jan 1716/7 Wife of Ambrose, senior
1881 census Fry, Francis F Son / Scholar Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1868 13 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Fry, Mary Eliza Female 1866 28. 20 Jul 1894 25 Jul 1894 ‘In loving memory, Mary Elizabeth Fry who died 20 July 1894 aged 28 years’’ E9. Stone cross + kerbed tomb
1881 census Fry, Sarah A Wife Female, married Tilshead 1843 38 in 1881
1881 census Fry, Thomas F Head / Farm bailiff Male, married Lytchett, Dorset 1835 46 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Fry, Thomas Frederick Male 1835 74. 26 May 1909 26 Mar 1909 E19 Raised ledger tomb
Churchyard or Burial register Fuller, Ann Female 18 Nov 1760
Churchyard or Burial register Fuller, Elizabeth Female 2 May 1758
Churchyard or Burial register Fuller, James Male 4 May 1749 Son of John and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Fuller, John Male 5 Feb 1772
Churchyard or Burial register Fuller, Mary Female 22 Sep 1751 Wife of John
Churchyard or Burial register Fuller, Mary Female 28 Feb 1742/3 Daughter of John and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Fuller, Robert Male 1 Feb 1749/50 Son of John and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Fuller, Sarah Female 1 Feb 1742/3 Daughter of John and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Fuller, Thomas Male 5 Apr 1748 Son of John and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Fuller, Thomas Male 30 Apr 1739
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Fullford, Mary Ann Female 1866 40 26 Mar 1906
Churchyard or Burial register Gamblen, Thomas Male 24 Mar 1657/8 Son of Gabriel
Churchyard or Burial register Gamlen, Mary Female 1 Jul 1687
Churchyard or Burial register Gamlen, Susan Female 10 Jul 1687
Churchyard or Burial register Gamlen, William Female 23 Jan 1680/1 Son of Richard and Susanne
Churchyard or Burial register Gamlin, Gabriell 16 Oct 1679
Churchyard or Burial register Gamlin, Humphrey Male 8 Jul 1667 Son of Gabriel and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Gamlin, Richard Male 21 Jun 1720
Churchyard or Burial register Gamlin, Susan Female 26 Jul 1705 Daughter of Richard
Churchyard or Burial register Gamlin, Susanna Female 1 Jan 1723/4 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Ganger, Charles Male 5 Jan 1731/2
Churchyard or Burial register Garret, Francis Male 15 Nov 1748
Churchyard or Burial register Garret, Sarah Female 28 Nov 1751 Widow of Francis
1851 census Garrett, George Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Shrewton 1795 56 in 1851
1851 census Garrett, Sarah Wife Female, married Orcheston St George 1792 59 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Garrett, Sophia Female 1824 19. From scarlet fever 11 Aug 1843
1881 census Gay, Fanny Daughter Female, unmarried Whiteparish 1856 25 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Wylye Gay, George Male 1826 82. 25 Aug 1908 29 Aug 1908 E1. Headstone, Kerbed tomb + chain link
1881 census Gay, George Head / Farmer of 600 acres employing 14 men + 6 boys Male, married Chippenham 1826 55 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Gay, Sarah Female 1816 84. 17 Mar 1900 20 Mar 1900 E1. Headstone, Kerbed tomb + chain link
1881 census Gay, Sarah Wife Female, married Bramshaw 1821 60 in 1881
1851 census Elston Hill George, Ann Servant / Servant Female, unmarried Chittern All Saints 1831 20 in 1851
1851 census George, Elizabeth Nurse [Lodger crossed out]/ Nurse Male, widowed Tilshead 1793 58 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, Ann Female 9 Aug 1742
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, Anne Female 10 May 1743
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, Elizabeth Female 6 Feb 1775
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, Francis Male 30 Sep 1769
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, Francis Female 1742 70 21 Dec 1812
Churchyard or Burial register Enford Gibbs, Job Male 1753 64. 17 Jan 1817 24 Jan 1817 ‘Sacred to the memory of Job Gibbs who departed this life 27 Jan 1817 aged 64 years. “Ye living men the Tomb survey Where you must quickly dwell. Mark how the awful summons sounds In ev’ry funeral knell. Give joy or sorrow, care or pain, Take life and friends away, But let me find them all again In that eternal day.”’ As an aside, Job’s tomb is quoted from by Edward Thomas in his book, ‘In Pursuit of Spring’. G10. Headstone. Possibly linked to H10, a miniature version
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, Martha Female 18 Dec 1730
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, Mary Female 31 Dec 1730
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, Rachael Female 10 May1792 Wife of Francis
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, Revd F Male 1766 47 23 Feb 1813 Rev, late Rector of Maddington
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, William Male 6 Oct 1749
Churchyard or Burial register Gibbs, William Male 24 Feb 1776
Churchyard or Burial register Gilbert, Charles Male 23 Nov 1686 Son of Thomas and Hesther alias Netton, a farmer
Churchyard or Burial register Gilbert, Hesther Female 20 Nov 1686 Daughter of Thomas and Hesther alias Gilbert, a farmer
1851 census Goddard, Ann Wife / Agricultural labourer Female, married Orcheston St George 1826 25 in 1851
1881 census Goddard, Ann Wife / Laundress Female, married Elston 1832 49 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hollow Goddard, Anne Female 1824 79 16 Sep 1903
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Goddard, Charlotte Female 19 4 Jun 1856
1851 census Goddard, Charlotte Daughter / Agricultural labourer Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1837 14 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hollow Goddard, Edith Mary Female 1898 7 months 5 Nov 1898
1851 census Goddard, Elizabeth Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1842 9 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Lake Goddard, Ellen Female 40 18 Jan 1904
1851 census Goddard, Emma Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1846 5 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Goddard, Frank Male 1873 0-1? Infant 7 Apr 1873
1881 census Goddard, Frank Son / Agricultural labourer Male, unmarried Elston 1853 28 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Amesbury Union Workhouse Goddard, Frank John Male 67 9 Apr 1919
1881 census Goddard, Frederick Son / Cordwainer Male, unmarried Elston 1857 24 in 1881
1881 census Goddard, George Son / Garden labourer Male, unmarried Elston 1860 21 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Greenlands Farm Goddard, James Male 76. 24 Dec 1882 28 Dec 1882 ‘In loving remembrance of James Goddard who died Dec 24 1882 aged 76 years also of Rhoda his beloved wife who died Oct 6 1888 aged 79 years. At rest’ S22. Headstone
1851 census Goddard, James Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Orcheston St Mary 1807 44 in 1851
1881 census Goddard, James Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Orcheston St Mary 1807 74 in 1881
1851 census Goddard, Jane Daughter / Agricultural labourer Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1835 16 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hollow Goddard, Joseph Male 66 25 Jul 1885
1851 census Goddard, Joseph Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Orcheston St Mary 1817 34 in 1851
1881 census Goddard, Joseph Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Orcheston 1817 64 in 1881
1851 census Goddard, Maria Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1849 2 in 1851
1851 census Goddard, Mary Daughter / Agricultural labourer Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1848 3 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Shrewton Goddard, Rhoda Female 79. 6 Oct 1888 9 Oct 1888 ‘In loving remembrance of James Goddard who died Dec 24 1882 aged 76 years also of Rhoda his beloved wife who died Oct 6 1888 aged 79 years. At rest’ S22. Headstone
1881 census Goddard, Rhoda Wife Female, married Maddington 1811 70 in 1881
1851 census Goddard, Roda Wife / Agricultural labourer Female, married Maddington 1814 37 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Goddard, Walter Male 20 15 Mar 1911
1851 census Goddard, William Son / Agricultural labourer Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1840 11 in 1851
1851 census Gollidge, John Head / Coachman Male, married Backkrom, Somerset [Batcombe?] 1809 42 in 1851
1851 census Gollidge, Lusea Daughter Female, unmarried Wells, Somerset 1836 15 in 1851
1851 census Gollidge, Mary Wife Female, married Whiteny, Hampshire; [Wintney?] 1808 43 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Goodenough, Jane Female 6 May 1776 Wife of Joseph K7. Chest tomb
Churchyard or Burial register Goodenough, Jane Female 29 Sep 1787 Spinster
Churchyard or Burial register Goodenough, Joseph Male 2 Sep 1777 K7. Chest tomb
Churchyard or Burial register Goold, James Male 20 10 May 1818
Churchyard or Burial register Gore, Charles Male 1726 19. 1745 5 Feb 1744/5 – Esq. Likely to be the 2nd son of Thomas and Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Morpeth, Northumberland Gore, Mary Female Died 1745 12 May 1745 She was nee Ward, of Morpeth
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Manor (now The Cleeve) Gore, Thomas Male 36. 2 Nov 1728 11 Nov 1728 1692 – Esq. Shares the memorial with his son William, below G13. n chancel below bell tower. Floor stone slab
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Manor (now The Cleeve) Gore, William Male 13. 18 Jun 1736 24 Jun 1736 1723 – Esq, in burial register. He was the son of Thomas and Mary William, b 1723, “of Morpeth”; d 18 Jun 1736, aged 13, bur in Orcheston St George On the stone slab in the floor just inside the chancel from the bell tower…

‘Here lyeth the body of

Thomas Gore Esq

Who dyeth the 2nd day of

November 1728

Here also lyeth Interrd

William Gore Esq

Who dyeth the 18th

day of June 1736’

G13. In chancel below bell tower. Floor stone slab
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Grace, Elizabeth Female 67 28 May 1861
1851 census Grace, Elizabeth Wife Female, married Maddington 1794 57 in 1851
1851 census Grace, Mary Ann Daughter / Agricultural labourer Female, unmarried Maddington 1834 17 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Grace, William Male 60. Died suddenly in the field 1 Jun 1859
1851 census Grace, William Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Wallopp, Hampshire 1801 50 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Gray, Edward Male 5 Jan 1768
Churchyard or Burial register Gray, Elizabeth Female 6 Feb 1775
Churchyard or Burial register Gray, Jane Female 28 Jun 1782 Wife of John
Churchyard or Burial register Gray, Sarah Female 8 Aug 1778 Daughter of Mary
Churchyard or Burial register Gray, William Male 6 Mar 1773
Churchyard or Burial register Gray, William Male 0-1? Infant 31 Aug 1769 Infant son of William and Elizabeth, Maddington
Churchyard or Burial register Green, Cecilie Female Died 16 May 1673 17 May 1673 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Greene, Nicholas Male 23 Oct 1664
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Grist, Rosalie Ann Female 60 3 Sep 1912
Churchyard or Burial register Groom, Elizabeth Female 14 Dec 1732
Churchyard or Burial register Wordbrough [Woodborough?], Wiltshire Hall, Clifford Edmund Male 59 24 Feb 1944 ‘… Also of Clifford Edmund Hall who died 26 Feb 1945 aged 59 years’ C15. Stone cross and Kerbed tomb, double plot
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St Mary Hall, Eva Mary Female 35. 29 Jul 1918 31 Jul 1918 ‘Sacred to the memory of Eva May the beloved wife of Clifford Edmund Hall who died 29 Jul 1918 aged 35 years. Thy will de done’

And a separate stone, ‘In loving memory … this memorial was erected as a token of [love] and affection from her xxx children and the people of Orcheston’

C15. Stone cross and Kerbed tomb, double plot
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hall, John Male 54. 21 Jun 1913 25 Jun 1914 ‘In loving memory of John Hall who died 21 Jun 1913 aged 54 years [inscription below unreadable]’ C17. Stone cross
1881 census Hall, John Head / Farm bailiff Male, married St Cross, Hampshire 1858 23 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Salisbury Hall, Martha Female 58. 6 Oct 1920 11 Oct 1920 C17. Stone cross
1881 census Hall, Martha Wife Female, married Orcheston St Mary 1862 19 in 1881
1881 census Hall, Mary Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St Mary 1878 3 in 1881
1851 census Hammett, Bettsy Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1850 1 in 1851
1851 census Hammett, David Son Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1848 3 in 1851
1851 census Hammett, Edward Head / Groom Male, married Earlstoke [Erlestoke] 1819 32 in 1851
1851 census Hammett, Eliza Wife / Agricultural labourer Female, married West Lavington 1827 24 in 1851
1851 census Harding, Ann Wife Female, married Orcheston St George 1818 33 in 1851
1851 census Manor House Harding, Ellen Daughter Female, unmarried Badford [Bradford?] 1831 20 in 1851
1851 census Harding, Grace Wife Female, married Semmington 1791 60 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Harding, Henry Male 19 21 Apr 1862 Sojourner in the parish
1851 census Manor House Harding, John Head / Farmer of 500 acres employing 22 labourers Male, married Ramsbury 1793 58 in 1851
1851 census Harding, Mary Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1847 4 in 1851
1851 census Manor House Harding, Sarah Jane Daughter Female, unmarried Roodshton; [Rood Ashton?] 1823 28 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Harding, Thomas Male 7 Nov 1780
Churchyard or Burial register Harding(e), Anne Female 5 Feb 1629/30 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Alice Female 16 Feb 1697/8 Widow
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Anne Female 11 Aug 1680 Wife of William
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Christian 4 Dec 1678
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Dorothy Female 5 Oct 1680
Churchyard or Burial register Shrewton Harris, Eliza Female 82 14 May 1884
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Elizabeth Female DATE??? 25 Jan 1721/2 Wife of Thomas
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Elizabeth Female DATE??? 2 Aug 1786
Churchyard or Burial register Upton Scudamore Harris, Elizabeth Female DATE??? 20 Jan 1674/5 S20. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, George Male 21 Aug 1624
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Giles Male 24 May 1671
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Giles Male 14 May 1683
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, James Male 9 Aug 1737 Son of Tho
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, John Male 3 Sep 1717
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Mary Female Died 14 Aug 1345? *** on gravestone??? Not in burial register S20. Headstone
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Nicholas Male 22 Oct 1672 Son of Henry and Alice
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Sarah Female 21 Oct 1777
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Sarah Female 12 Jul 1795
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Thomas Male 9 Apr 1738 Son of Tho
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Thomas Male 7 Oct 1670
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Thomas Male 84 8 Oct 1742
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, Thos Male 1699 Son of Thomas and Elizabeth
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, William Male 11 Aug 1680 Son of William and Anne
Churchyard or Burial register Harris, William Male 27 Jan 1710/1 Son of Thomas and Elizabeth
1851 census Manor House Harwood, George Carter / Carter Male, unmarried Donhead 1833 18 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Hawkins, Anne Female 18 12 Oct 1814
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hawkins, Anne Female 22 12 Dec 1847
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St Mary Hawkins, Elizabeth Female 78 8 Jan 1875
1851 census Manor House Hawkins, Elizabeth Wife Female, married Tilshead 1801 50 in 1851
1851 census Hawkins, Emma Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1835 16 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Hawkins, James Male 22 26 Aug 1827 Son of Susan, a widow
Churchyard or Burial register Hawkins, Jehosaphat Male 1 Apr 1794
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hawkins, John Male 65 7 Dec 1864
1851 census Hawkins, John Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Orcheston St George 1800 51 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Hawkins, Josiah Male 0-1? Infant 19 Aug 1813
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Hawkins, Susan Female 71 5 Jan 1839
Churchyard or Burial register Hawkins, William Male 30 Mar 1789 Son of Robert and Phania
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hawkins, William Male 70 1 Jan 1862
1851 census Hawkins, William Brother / Agricultural labourer Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1793 58 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Hayward, Ann Female 2 Mar 1780
Churchyard or Burial register Hayward, Mary Female 17 May 1772
Churchyard or Burial register Haywood, Betty [? Hayward] Female 24 Feb 1805 Wife of John Hayward[?]
Churchyard or Burial register Haywood, John [? Hayward] Male 79 13 Sep 1813
Churchyard or Burial register Head, Jane Female 30 Jan 1789 Widow of Rector
Churchyard or Burial register Head, Jane Female 5 Mar 1735/6 Daughter of Rev Mr Head
Churchyard or Burial register Head, Richard Male 13 Feb 1772 Rector of this parish
Churchyard or Burial register Head, Richard Male 12 Nov 1777 Esq
Churchyard or Burial register Head, Sarah Female 12 Jun 1724 Wife of Rev Mr Richard of Sherfield, Hampshire
Churchyard or Burial register Heath, Jane Female 26 Jan 1722/3 Servant to farmer Compton, reg Heth
1881 census Heatley, William Head / Farmer of 564 acres employing 9 men, 3 boys + 2 women Male, unmarried High Hatton, Salop [Shropshire] 1861 20 in 1881
1851 census Hibberd, Alfred Son Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1846 5 in 1851
1881 census Hibberd, Ann Wife / Laundress Female, married Orcheston St George 1822 59 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St Mary Hibberd, Charity Female 64 26 Aug 1897
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hibberd, Edith Fanny Female 40 4 Jun 1911
Churchyard or Burial register Maddington Hibberd, Edmund Robert Phippen Male 3 months 18 Feb 1880
1851 census Hibberd, Eliza Daughter Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1842 9 in 1851
1851 census Manor House Hibberd, Eliza Servant / House servant Female, unmarried Longbridge Deverile 1828 23 in 1851
1881 census Hibberd, Elizabeth Wife / Cook domestic servant Female, married Orcheston St Mary 1807 74 in 1881
1881 census Hibberd, Ernest A Son / Carter’s boy Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1866 15 in 1881
1881 census Hibberd, Florence A Grand daughter / Scholar Female, unmarried Amesbury 1869 12 in 1881
1851 census Hibberd, George Son / Agricultural labourer Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1839 12 in 1851
1851 census Hibberd, Infant Daughter age 7 days Female, unmarried Orcheston St George 1851 0 in 1851
1881 census Elston House Hibberd, James Head / Formerly agricultural labourer Male, married Berwick St James 1809 72 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St Mary Hibberd, Jane Female 77 21 Aug 1884
1851 census Hibberd, Jane Wife Female, married Horningsham 1827 24 in 1851
1851 census Hibberd, Jane Wife / Agricultural labourer Female, married Shrewton 1807 44 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Shrewton Hibberd, Jesse Female 82 2 Apr 1936
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St Mary Hibberd, Maria Female 85. 11 Aug 1932 15 Aug 1932 C9. Stone cross
1881 census Hibberd, Phillip Head / Gardener domestic Male, married Orcheston St George 1821 60 in 1881
Churchyard or Burial register Flood Cottages, Orcheston Hibberd, Reginald Harold Male 62 16 Dec 1965
1851 census Hibberd, Robert Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Orcheston St George 1824 27 in 1851
1881 census Hibberd, Rosalie A Grand daughter / Scholar Female, unmarried Stapleford 1872 9 in 1881
1851 census Hibberd, Sarah Wife Female, married Chittern All Saints 1785 66 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St Mary Hibberd, Solomon Male 73. 2 Mar 1918 6 Mar 1918 ‘In loving memory of Solomon Hibberd who died 2 Mar 1918 aged 73 years. Peace, perfect peace.’ C9. Stone cross
1851 census Hibberd, Thomas Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Chittern All Saints 1807 44 in 1851
1851 census Hibberd, Thomas Son / Agricultural labourer Male, unmarried Orcheston St George 1833 18 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St Mary Hibberd, William Male 67 3 Feb 1897
1851 census Hibberd, William Head / Agricultural labourer Male, married Barwick St Jams [Berwick St James] 1785 66 in 1851
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston Hibberd, William George Male 74 30 Jun 1945
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hibbert, Charles Male 5 31 Jan 1847
Churchyard or Burial register Elston Hibbert, Elizabeth Female 25 30 Jan 1876
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hibbert, Ellen Female 0-1? Infant 27 May 1855
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hibbert, Frederick Male 0-1? Infant 8 Jan 1849
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hibbert, Frederick Male 0-1? Infant 10 Dec 1848
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hibbert, Sarah Female 84 21 Dec 1867
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hibbert, Thomas Male 61 23 Jun 1868
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hibbert, Tom Male 21 4 May 1856
Churchyard or Burial register Orcheston St George Hibbert, William Male 79 24 Feb 1865
Churchyard or Burial register Shrewton Hollis, Eva Agnes Sarah [Eva on gravestone)] Female 0-1? Infant. 27 Mar 1872 3 Apr 1872 L1. Headstone, tree roots