It’s been a busy and fruitful summer, and now we are about to celebrate the season of Harvest across the parish. We’re back in church for services on Sundays, keeping up our pattern of providing daily prayers in the form of audio clips, and have had a really successful summer sharing activity packs with our families all over the Plain. But now we get to do something wonderful- get back to leading Collective Worship in our church schools in person! For the past year we’ve recorded a weekly act of worship/thought for the week and these are posted online for our pupils to enjoy. But we’ve so missed being able to ask questions, and hear the wonderful answers children provide. We’ve missed marking the great seasons of the church year, and we’ve missed being able to simply spend time in the classroom, listening to the children as they read, or helping them with their RE. It really feels as though things are beginning to come back to life- even as the autumn is around the next bend!